We have grand, ambitious plans but are starting small and learning as we go.
Just as our founders are.

We are guided in our aims by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Specifically, driving gender equality through championing female-identifying founders; providing decent work and fuelling economic growth by funding sustainable ventures and reducing inequalities by supporting generational wealth creation in minoritised communities.

 Our Vision

kreativ | kollektiv is driven by an overwhelming desire for social change and innovation.

  • We advocate for a shift of practices in the creative sector, and challenge the sector to reflect the diverse makeup of society.

  • We support social mobility, and give a voice to those on the peripheries by funding and showcasing their unique ideas.

  • We welcome our supporters to become part of the collective action we drive through our work.

  • We aim to pioneer founder-friendly financing models providing early stage capital.

Our Mission

Showcase the vast entrepreneurial talent through our venture portfolio and build connections with partners keen to explore how we can use funding to create a more equitable and just sector. We are starting with the fundamentals but have ambitious plans for the future.

  • Assemble an array of ambitious and impact-driven creative enterprises.

  • Attract socially-minded and intellectually curious partners beyond the traditional stakeholders.

  • Explore and experiment with funding vehicles to tackle the inequitable practices in the funding landscape.

  • Build a community of successful entrepreneurs and supporters who share our values and shake up the sector.